We, writemycasestudy.com, use cookies as an essential part of Internet interaction and a vital part of web browsing. Cookies help our web developers to collect the visit information of our customers or people who access our website. This is done to improve our website usability, make it more convenient and easy to use.
In this policy, the references to “we,” “us,” and “our” represent our company, writemycasestudy.com. Addressing to “you” means a visitor who uses or accessing our website.
Cookies are text files that contain small pieces of material about devices of Network visitors.
There are two central types of cookies: persistent cookies and session-based cookies. First ones are placed on your devices and remain there until you delete them. They usually remember your preferences. Seconds ones last only while your session is live. They are being deleted right after you close the tab.
In our specific case, these small text files are placed on your devices to help us identify each visit and your saved preferences—such as username, password, device data, IP, etc.
By using our service, please mind that you accept our usage of cookies, including placing and reading cookies on your device. You may always disable cookies. Here is the list of the most popular Internet browsers:
But in this case, we cannot assure that our website will adequately work for you as cookies play a significant role in the operation of specific functionality.
Purposes of using cookies:
The last version updated – August 2022
If you have any questions regarding our Cookie Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@writemycasestudy.com.
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